THIS ARTICLE tells the story about Weiner. What it omits, and I've not seen it in any msm media news on this subject, is that he was married in July of last year. Huma Abedin, his wife, is who I feel sorriest for. (By the way, Bill Clinton officiated at their he a pastor or can Presidents marry people? I found that odd)
Andrew Breitbart has more pictures, one he says is so lewd he'll never reveal it..........The whole thing is seedy and I feel we'd be better off ignoring these types of indiscretions. I don't think stories like this one, or Casey Anthony's murder trial, or any of the other perversion we hear about all the time is healthy for our culture. But, in the case of Weiner and Lee and John Edwards, and so many other politicians who live lives that are less stellar than their constituents deserve, I'd like to believe we still live in that world of men like Mustang or Chuck or Spurious Bob or SilverFiddle or Joe or Impertinent, or (almost) any ONE of my men commenters here at GeeeZ whom I doubt would feel the need to send pictures of themselves on Twitter? Just a guess.
By the way, I'd vote for ANY of the fine men I mentioned above for president tomorrow if I could. Wouldn't you?
Do you think Weiner should have resigned? Do you think he could win his coveted job of Mayor should he still decide to run?
He should have announced a presidential run with John Edwards as his VP. That's what I was waiting for.
I'll tell you, what's next, a family value Idaho congressman cruising airport mens rooms for sex?
Regarding "(almost) any ONE of my men commenters here at GeeeZ whom I doubt would feel the need to send pictures of themselves on Twitter?"
I'm way to old to have a twitterer, twittamatic or
twittsender or whatever these newfangled things are...the digital age left me behind. Once I figure out my digital watch, I may look into one of those
cellphone things. So, yes, even if I 'felt the need' to send a picture..
it would probably end up
(omigosh!) at Breitbarts.
Either way the Dem's will always win on these issues thanks to BJ Clinton. Only in the liberal world can a degenerate still get respect.
You now what is funny how Weiner was going after Clarence Thomas just like they did when he was appointed to the Supreme Court.
They have a vendetta against Black Conservatives and Hispanic Attorney Generals.
The other hypocrisy is when Elliot Spitzer was going after prostitution rings.
Ducky, NO! You mean Republicans do this, too?? :-) Yes, and they LEAVE office. (I mentioned Chris Lee...)
BB...I should have mentioned you! And Speedy G, and other men here......
but, I hope Breitbart would get it if you did and if you were an elected official...Breitbart seems to be the only one alerting America to anything...and it's about time.
I don't think Breitbart gives a rat's poop about any of what Weiner does; I think he's just as sick as most of us are of the Right getting treated differently than the Left.
Lisa! Hypocrisy on the LEFT...GASP !! :-)
Given that never in human history has there ever been such a thing as an intelligent leftist, it isn't really all that surprising to me how easily they are led by the nose to disaster by a concerted effort to discredit them.
Andrew Breitbart has given a black eye to the NAACP, the Department of Agriculture, ACORN, Planned Parenthood, and once again to the mainstream media all by releasing a tidbit, getting all the left-wing players squawking a defense, and dropping the hammer on the assembled killbox.
You'd think the left would stop bowing up to Breitbart, but I've already mention their lack of intelligence.
I hope Weiner doesn't resign. He's doing much damage for conservative causes exactly where he is.
Please. Wiener's "wife" was rumoured Hillary Clinton's lesbian lover...
hey, they got Edward's right.
Fj..come on, THE GLOBE?
By the way, no wonder WIkipedia refers to Weiner's wife as Hillary's BODY WOMAN. I hadn't heard the term, it's supposed to mean she gets hotel rooms, flights, arranges her life........(ya THINK!? :-)
Beamish...Andrew's being sued by Sherrod and we need to pray hard that it doesn't ruin him....
Sherrod ruined something like 13,000 black farmers and Andrew's got a lot of information proving that and I HOPE it finally comes out with this lawsuit.
Well it's a cut above The Sun, farmer.
This does finish Weiner's run for mayor. There have been calls for investigations and I imagine everyone is doing whatever they can without steaming off that fraud Chuck Schumer.
We have the government we deserve.
I'm pretty sure Breitbart has a good defamation of character lawsuit against Weiner for his remarks last week, the winnings of which he can parlay into fending off Sherrod.
I don't think the Sherrod nuisance lawsuit will go anywhere, though.
Hi Z,
I have no sympathy for Weiner and I don't care if he resigns or not. I'm pretty sure his constituents approve of the job he is doing in Congress. I don't think Chris Lee should have resigned before he had time to be properly mocked.
Ducky, NO! You mean Republicans do this, too?? :-) Yes, and they LEAVE office.
David Vitter frequented prostitutes and reportedly likes wearing diapers. He hasn't resigned and was given a standing ovation at a Republican Senate luncheon on his return to D.C. after the story broke. John Ensign didn't resign after boinking his admin. assist.'s wife and paying hush money. He resigned when it was clear an indictment was coming down.
Mark Sanford, Larry Craig, Newt. The difference between all of them (incl. Lee) and Weiner is their sanctimonious stand for 'family values'.
Andrew Breitbart has given a black eye... by releasing a tidbit
By "tidbit" you mean, doctored video. I agree, some on the left have been dumb to react to Breitbart's distorted, dishonest and misleading "reporting" as if he was acting in good faith. I'll give a little credit to Breitbart for being a discredited, lying hack and still getting himself on the Librul TeeVee.
Beamish, you don't think the SHerrod v Breitbart case will go anywhere? Then call Andrew and relieve his mind!....I wish I could tell you more. And who's defending her.
If Breitbart's got a case against Weiner, he could also sue a lot of others.'re right about the government, except I don't want a socialist gov't like you do.
And calls for what investigation?? Isn't this over?
I haven't been around for a a while but would you vote for me? I loved the heck out of this country, much like Newt (wink, wink ,nudge, nudge). Unlike Newt, I did it before I was married.
Craig, sorry....Andrew's all about 'good faith'... But, there's a lot I can't say here on the site...
He's fighting to uncover the msm doesn't like too much; so they shoot the messenger..typical.
I'm eager for the Sherrod case against's worrisome for him and his family because she's got BIG GUNS behind her but he's got plenty of information, trust me.
As for Republicans, who denies that? Is that what you do? Democrats screw up so the answer is coming back with "YOU DO, TOO!"? Sure...we DO and we get NAILED. If Weiner didn't know Andrew has more pictures, I wonder if he'd have come forward :-)
And no, Republicans resign, Dems stay put.
I suppose you're right about values...maybe Weiner has none; you could be right.
I"m not a black/white person; I don't believe all Republicans are perfect and I don't think all Democrats aren' way.
And I think Ducky's right when he says we have the government we deserve....
Craig, I wouldn't vote for you in a million years because you're a liberal.
Newt didn't do WHAT before he was married?
Man, Craig, you've got 2012 wrapped up because your media's so in Obama's bag....why are you sounding nervous??
You love the heck out of this country...when? Sort of like Michelle Obama, who started loving it when they elected her husband, according to her speech? :-)
I think he should resign and become a TV host. He could hook up with Spitzer and the show could be
"Spitzer and Weiner"!!
He should resign because he lied and lied about it and blamed everyone but himself. Only when he realized there were other photos did he come forward. The way he handled this is worse than perhaps what he did. He is a lying, disgusting, dishonest, arrogant a'hole. -- His constituents should demand that he resign because we shouldn't reward this type of behavior. He may have had a sex conversation at his office in which case he should be toast. The bar has been lowered so much that nothing is sacred anymore and anything goes. That's the liberal, progressive way of life.
I think Weiner should resign and join Mark Spitzer. The show could be named "Spitzer and Weiner"!
This incident proves that he has very poor judgment and if this guy is making decisions about govt policies, etc. I can't trust him to make good decisions and have good judgment. His constituents should demand he resign not only because he is lewd, disgusting arrogant liar but because he has no credibility and can't be trusted any longer. He is always the one grilling others especially conservatives. What goes around comes around!! Fire his butt.
By "tidbit" you mean, doctored video
We're talking about Andrew Breitbart, not Michael Moore.
No, by tidbit, I mean drawing the NAACP out into making insubstantiable claims of racism, then producing footage of NAACP racists cheering for Sherrod as she recounted a story of her own racist actions as a Department of Agriculture official.
By tidbit, I mean turning the Shirley Sherrod resignation into a investigation of the Pigford v. Glickman class action lawsuit settlements.
By tidbit, I mean releasing video of ACORN staffers in several cities providing advice to a fake pimp and prostitute on how to avoid taxes and detection by the authorities with regard to their plans to engage in tax evasion, human smuggling and child prostitution.
By tidbit, I mean drawing Planned Parenthood into claiming they provide breast exams and not abortions, then proving the opposite is true.
By tidbit, I mean coming forward with a screenshot of Anthony Weiner tweeting his junk to females online, letting all the denials build and accusations of hacking fly, then hammering it down with even more damning evidence.
You hate Andrew Breitbart because he takes advantage of the left's thorough lack of intellect whatsoever and gets them all lying to cover themselves, then destroys them with evidence of their own dishonesty. Lather, rinse, repeat.
At least you're not unhinged enough to make death threats against Andrew Breitbart over his pointing out the left's naked emperors, but your continuing to lie about Breitbart after Breitbart has thoroughly discredited his critics merely reinforces the "leftists are naturally stupid" maxim that supplies Breitbart with his seemingly endless string of successes.
"He is a lying, disgusting, dishonest, arrogant a'hole."
As I said... a filthy, lying degenerate...a democrat through and through.
A disciple of Bill ( BJ ) Clinton....a clown...and someone who speaks for the complete lack of values that the scum in the Bronx and Brooklyn respect.
Imagine...a country led by sexual deviants...that should be registered as sex offenders and kept 1000 yards from schools and government facilities.
Weener....has no all demrats will line up behind him.
Beamish...I salute you.
I'm an ignorant, uneducated Marine. I have little "class". But I do know how to react to threats...I do know bullshit and dishonesty when I see and hear it. I'm ready to rearm....I'm ready to get into the shit again...this time...right here. It's coming.
Beamish, you don't think the SHerrod v Breitbart case will go anywhere?
I don't even understand why a judge (outside say Massachussetts, where the nations' IQ points per square mile is lowest) would take the case.
She's suing Breitbart for showing her admitting on camera that as a government official she abused her office to racially discriminate against white farmers, and he has the bulk of Pigford settlement fraud cases to bolster his arguments.
Her case won't get anywhere outside a kangaroo court.
"She's suing Breitbart for showing her admitting on camera that as a government official she abused her office to racially discriminate against white farmers...."
Blacks are incapable of discrimination. Corruption....lying....cheating...yes. Racism...NO.
Beamish...I salute you. I'm an ignorant, uneducated Marine.
No, you're not. I envy a Marine's innate ability to disregard bullshit without making an essay about why they're disregarding bullshit.
My missives are usually directed at clarifying for everyone else what comes naturally to a Marine. :)
Major, WHOA!! :-)
I think Weiner's a snake but I always have; that he's let his constituents down doesn't seem to be important to the Leftwingers, tho. Pelosi was the first one to call for Foley to step down....where is she NOW?
And, Major, stop with the 'ignorant' way.
I got an email just yesterday from one of your friends here asking if I'd seen you around. I'll email her now to tell her you're here! You have fans at geeeZ!
Beamish, and, without telling how why or what, I'm telling you you're wrong..the case is going, she's got BIG GUNS behind it, and Breitbart's been advised by several that he's got big worries.
Is it right? NO. Is Sherrod a nasty piece of work who hurts black farmers and lies and threatens Breitbart's wellbeing and that of his whole family? ya.
Check this out. (from last summer)
well, Beamish, I love James Taranto (got to tell you that story some time!) but if you're telling me that he and the Journal know more about this case than Sherrod's lawyers or Breitbart's, then that's a little hard to swallow.
Optimistically, yes...he'll win..probably....AND he'll really nail the truth about HER, hopefully.
On the practical side, she could break him in LEGAL FEES.
he's got four small children...this isn't good.
Well,'s about time! You've been missed! :)
Z..I don't think Weiner would have admitted to anything, if he hadn't realized that the cat was out of the bag concerning other photos.
Not only that, he was accusing Breitbart, wasn't he?
About Sherrod...well, you KNOW that she is going to have all the financial support needed to help her cover up her own racism...and the fact that she and her husband received millions that they in no way deserved.
Have you noticed that when they are accused of anything, that they cry "racist" and end up getting even more?
Back to Weiner...there certainly is a double standard when it comes to the two political parties. The Dems were trying to defend him, but had it been a Republican, they would be trying to run him out of town on a rail, or worse.
Right now, as I'm watching news about Weiner, they are praising him for apologizing to Breitbart, saying that it gave him "credibility" to do that.
Good grief!
Amen to that!
Our government is wholly unable to govern a people without morals.
The founding fathers pointed this out often.
well, Beamish, I love James Taranto (got to tell you that story some time!) but if you're telling me that he and the Journal know more about this case than Sherrod's lawyers or Breitbart's, then that's a little hard to swallow.
All we know is the public record of what happened, free of spin from either side. Having my own defamation of character per se / criminal harassment case to take to court, I'm aware of the very strict guidelines that lead to a ruling in the plaintiff's favor.
Sherrod has to prove she was defamed, and she has to prove she was defamed maliciously and intentionally. I doubt she'll get past the first hurdle for the bigger fail at the second hurdle.
Optimistically, yes...he'll win..probably....AND he'll really nail the truth about HER, hopefully.
On the practical side, she could break him in LEGAL FEES.
he's got four small children...this isn't good.
That's why they're called nuisance lawsuits. As far as I can tell, Sherrod has not shut Breitbart up. I don't know who has the deeper pockets of the two, but I'm having trouble imagining a lawyer that wouldn't want to take up Breitbart's defense for a countersuit to collect his legal fees and lighten Sherrod's bank account a bit for wasting everyone's time.
Weiner's also part of the House GLBT "Caucus". My guess is that he enjoys being tied to a chair while watching his wife and Hillary get it on...
Once a sexual pervert, ALWAYS a sexual pervert.
"ablur said...Our government is wholly unable to govern a people without morals. The founding fathers pointed this out often."
You mean the 'founding fathers' that all had slaves? Lol!
This simply highlights the differences between the R vs. D worldviews. Many like to point out that R's do this too, as if that makes it OK if D's do it. The bottom line is not if elected representatives are human and so therefore are sinful. The bottom line is what do we, the people, do with them when they show themselves untrustworthy (cheats on wife and so will cheat on us) or lacking in self control. (easily corrupted) The R base is known for retiring their wayward representatives. The D's are known for celebrating theirs.
You mean the 'founding fathers' that all had slaves?
Moses had slaves, too, the immoral b*stard!
btw - The Republican Party freed the slaves. That makes us veritable PARAGON's of virtue!
This is going to be BITCH for Breitbart and better legal minds than ours have warned him of that. trust me. That's all I can say.
ablur, you are so right....and here we go again.
Bd...I wrote a big response to your comment but decided if that's how you feel, nobody's going to change your thinking! YOu DO crack me up; you seem to have difficulty with context, nuance, and facts. "LOL"! :-)
Dan....good points. Where's Pelosi on this? She was RIGHT THERE when FOley screwed up!
Speedy, exactly. and the left will argue for days about who freed the slaves, too. AND about who got the civil rights bill passed, too.
Dan Said: "The R base is known for retiring their wayward representatives. The D's are known for celebrating theirs."
Wow, now that's a load load crap!
David Vitter (R) did not resign but was re-elected. Larry Craig (R) said he would resign but finished out his term. Mark Sanford stayed on as Governor.
Bd, this isn't a competition. I doubt anybody on either side of the aisle think any of these men are upstanding examples of what politicians should be like.
but, apparently...
Republicans think it's WRONG to stay in office and Dems apparently don't. ANd, of course, with the media attention given Reps the minute any indiscretion rears its ugly head, who can stay in office!?
Weiner?...they were very VERY good to him until it became obvious.
Check out SOUDER and FOLEY and how fast they left office, then check out how outraged Pelosi was re Foley! :-) for her, when Republicans sin it's a "CULTURE OF CORRUPTION" :-)
OH, and the guys you listed? Maybe Vitter's constituents didn't believe the prostitutes? Just a guess. Oh, but WIkipedia mentions the prostitutes' claims in the fifth line of their Vitters entry !!
Anthony Weiner's Wikipedia story discusses the twitter scandal but not till the VERY end of his entry! :-)
How can liberals LIVE with themselves with their hypocrisy? Astonishing.
Chris Lee photo'd his CHEST and left that fair?
keep pitchin'
The dime of difference you're looking for is none of those Republicans caught up in sex scandals had trolls on the internet trying to defend them.
Weiner's also part of the House GLBT "Caucus". My guess is that he enjoys being tied to a chair while watching his wife and Hillary get it on...
Good Lord I'd rather be waterboarded.
Beamish, don't baffle Bd with integrity!
"The dime of difference you're looking for is none of those Republicans caught up in sex scandals had trolls on the internet trying to defend them."
you're so right.
by the way, had Breitbart not brought up the fact that there are MORE PICTURES (and hadn't given them to ...certain people, all except ONE special one), Weiner would probably never have apologized...
It's all ideology all the time for the left, Z. No room for integrity or morality.
"It's okay if you're a Democrat"
Man the spin is thick in here. the GOP and the Dems have had their letches. It's a distraction from bigger issues like where are the jobs bills Boehner?
"Well,'s about time! You've been missed! :)"
Really? I'm flabbergasted...but thanks just the same. To Ms. Z too.
And Mr. Beamish.
Schucks. ;-)
In the old days, men like Weiner would have been called a flasher, and all he would've needed was a raincoat!
What a creep!
"It's a distraction from bigger issues like where are the jobs bills Boehner?" it EVER going to be the DEMOCRATS IN CHARGE who are asked to DO SOMETHING to improve our economy?! geeeZ! :-)
Did you all hear that 1/3 of America's businesses are going to have to stop providing healthcare? Anybody here who doesn't think Obama's secretly THRILLED about that?
The Demtards are lining up like soup kitchen people........."just GIVE IT TO ME FREE"
The trouble is, I don't know a leftard on the planet who can explain HOW WE'RE PAYING FOR THE GOODIES THEY GET ELECTED FOR PROMISING!? gad
I love Andrew Breitbart. What a gutsy man who is going after the Left with the same ferocity they go after us. Finally we have a street fighter who can stand up to the liars and hypocrites on the Left and the MSM!
As for Anthony Weiner; he should resign in the disgrace the he is. He's nothing but a pervert! What is it with men who think photos of their "equipment" (in "full" view, no less) are a turn on to young women? Especially a man who looks like Congressman Weiner! What is wrong with this guy? He's delusional if he thinks he's sexy. Gawd!!!
FW, imagine Weiner even thinking any woman would want to see ....anything ON him? You're right; that is NOT a good looking fellow.
Andrew's going through a LOT these days, including the SHerrod lawsuit; please keep him and his 4 kids and wife in your prayers.
He's a real fighter and needs all the help he can get; another liberal turned Conservative...and BOY, when that happens, they MUST PAY in this environment.
"Man the spin is think in here. the GOP and the Dems have had their letches. It's a distraction from bigger issues like where are the jobs bills Boehner?"
"Letch" doesn't even begin to describe Wiener, BD, and the lack of jobs speaks for itself.
Perhaps, "Exhibitionist" which would go along with what Pris said about such deviants being called "Flashers" in the past, would better describe him.
Speaking of Boehner...I wonder why all the Dems made such a big deal about Boehner shedding a few emotional tears, but I haven't heard any of them criticize Weiner...which has nothing to do with anything, other than to show one more facet of their incredible hypocrisy.
After watching him display such arrogance in interviews before this happened, it kind of reminds me of the old saying about pride going before a fall.
I think he should be forced to resign.
"Did you all hear that 1/3 of America's businesses are going to have to stop providing healthcare? Anybody here who doesn't think Obama's secretly THRILLED about that?"
This is no surprise to Obama, it was part of the plan to drive up private insurance costs, to give people no choice but to accept Obamacare, and businesses a way out of the expense.
Yes, he's privately thrilled, and probably has been since he signed the damn thing, and this was expected, not a surprise.
All that nonsense about not having a "public option", was a ruse and a scam. The entire Healthcare Act, is a public option.
Pris, that's exactly what I's my comment from above "Anybody here who doesn't think Obama's secretly THRILLED about that?"
And the bs news this afternoon was saying Obama will give his reaction ..not the truth, you can bet on that, right?
Oh, but don't you remember.."you can keep your insurance"? Remember all the conservatives saw through that and knew that the private insurance companies and most businesses couldn't afford to compete with the OBAMA FREEBIES?
this is SICK and I'll bet very few SKEWER OBAMA ON THIS........damn.
Z to bd: YOu DO crack me up; you seem to have difficulty with context, nuance, and facts. "LOL"! :-)
AAAhhhh, THAT was a little nugget of truth that made me smile. ;-)
Man the spin is thick in here. the GOP and the Dems have had their letches. It's a distraction from bigger issues like where are the jobs bills Boehner?
We know what Weiner's been doing to stop him from passing a budget in the last 700+ days. What's the rest of the Democrats in Congress been up to?
Beamish....did you hear the story about MEdiaMatters and the Weiner crew? They were all called to DC late one night to discuss how to handle the scandal and it was agreed that they'd attack Breitbart.
I keep remembering how the White House hired the 3 very bigwig TV news producers the week Obama was inaugurated...and nobody talks about them, but we're finally seeing what they're doing. Do you remember that? I WISH I could find that info but it's GONE. I'm going to try to google again on Wednesday (I'm up very early Wed morning here , 3 AM)
APparently, Fred Zacharias, Rachel Maddow and others get the White House Memo and go on the attack.
The odd thing is that I watched Maddow tonight and I had NEVER EVER seen her so rancorous and bitter before; she kept holding up a picture of Vitter as if Republicans admired him and (are you sitting down?) accused the Washington Beltway of always excusing REPUBLICANS and skewering Dems!
NO MENTION of Foley or others who've stepped down immediately when caught in these creepy situations...none.
I mean IT IS PURE ALLINSKY RULES! It's absolutely amazing and I WISH enough AMericans would hear this information to make a difference; some day this bunch is going to screw up and they'll be exposed, I just know it.
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