A small tax-exempt political group with ties to wealthy liberals like billionaire financier George Soros quietly helped elect 11 reform-minded progressive Democrats as secretaries of state to oversee the election process in battleground states and keep Republican “political operatives from deciding who can vote and how those votes are counted.”
Known as the Secretary of State Project, the organization was formed by liberal activists in 2006 to put Democrats in charge of state election offices, where key decisions often are made in close races on which ballots are counted and which are not.
The group’s website said it wants to stop Republicans from “manipulating” election results.
“Any serious commitment to wresting control of the country from the Republican party must include removing their political operatives from deciding who can vote and whose votes will count,” the group said on its website, accusing some Republican secretaries of state of making “partisan decisions.”SOSP has sought donations by describing the contributions as a “modest political investment” to elect “clean candidates” to the secretary of state posts.
Named after Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, so-called 527 political groups — such as SOSP — have no upper limit on contributions and no restrictions on who may contribute in seeking to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office. They generally are not regulated by the FEC, creating a soft-money loophole.
See the inferences? Very cunning, isn't it. I was hoping to see mention in this article about the horrid ways Republicans have stolen votes and committed fraud; but, alas. Imagine if a Republican group was known to be doing what this liberal one is? Imagine the outrage in the media?
It goes on to say:
Democrats accused Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris and Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, both Republicans, of manipulating the elections in favor of GOPcandidates — charges Mrs Harris and Mr Blackwell denied.
“Does anyone doubt that these two secretaries of state … made damaging partisan decisions about purging voter rolls, registration of new voters, voting machine security, the location of precincts, the allocation of voting machines, and dozens of other critical matters?” SOSP asked on its website.
The article goes on and on and you'll want to read it, you must read it to be informed and active. Please sign up for working the polls in November 2012. I've already related several stories of Democrats running my precincts, and have other important information of voter fraud from the left HERE, HERE, HERE, ESPECIALLY HERE and HERE, THIS AMAZING ONE!, and THIS YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST READ .
Please, let's REALLY get clean voting back into this country..........we can see what's being done against it. Republicans, nay, ALL AMERICANS, should want to go back to NO early voting days (Europeans vote on weekends to make sure people can vote, why can't WE?), no "provisional ballots," and voting with an ID that's swiped and can't be presented at another precinct, but......it's too much to do, too expensive...and our democracy hangs in the balance, as you can see in this article.
By the way, if anybody can find information about this Secretary of State Project in the NY Times or Washington Post, I'd like to see it: I Googled, but the information is only in Conservative venues. Funny, I'd have thought...for transparency and honesty, that.............well................. (what was I THINKING?)
This country is perilously close to CHANGE nobody HOPED for.............................but Soros.
I Googled the subject, too, and found some web sites that reported on the organization. I have read about it before now, and I believe it might have been at one of Breitbart's sites.
Having said that, I believe that in some states, the Secretary of State position is appointed, not elected. In Georgia where I live, the SOS is elected, as are a number of commissioners.
Here in Georgia I don't think we will make the mistake of letting some outside bunch of financiers elect a bogus SOS. I would hope Republicans in other states would recognize this, too.
Wow, Democrats are trying to get Democrats elected. I'm shocked.
Soros is a small time player compared to the decision by the SCOTUS to allow corporations, even ones with foreign assets, to donate as much as they want anonymously.
And today: Swiftboat Ad Funder Gives Big Bucks To Karl Rove's Super PAC
Thanks to the GOP our democracy is for sale to the highest bidders. It will favor the GOP of course, but just wait until they buy a candidate and put a Nuke in you back yard.
Grow up.
The GOP has a long history of trying to suppress the vote by nefarious means. Now, many states will require ID to vote, some even a special Voter ID. College students aren't allowed to use their College IDs!
And you do realize it was the Bush administration who threw out the Black Panther Voting Scandal, right?
Yeah requiring one to have an ID is nefarious! How do you even take yourself seriously BS...I mean BD?
Why is it that tales of "black voter intimidation by police" always come from localities where Democrats rule the community?
The VAST MAJORITY of voter registration fraud convictions over the last 10 years have jailed DEMOCRATS.
There's a reason for that, and it's not that Democrats are being discriminated against by federal law.
So liberals pining to stamp out fantasy vote rigging and bias are replacing the people in question with their own people to rig and apply their own bias into the system.
That's really quite principled of them. The rats.
College students aren't allowed to use their College IDs!
Considering the numbers of illegal immigrants in America's colleges, the fact that college ID's AREN'T accepted sound like a prudent policy. If Georgia has 100 student illegals, how many tens of thousands illegal aliens attend California and Texas schools?
Bob, were those liberal sites? I know some blogs have reported on it.
Don't count on the Republicans in other states...obviously, many SOS's are elected and so the money Soros is throwing in is paying off, as you can see from the article. So, the Reublicans can't do much.
Ducky...really? Do you have ANY integrity or respect for this country's laws?
Bd..Ya, SOros is very small time :-) If you don't like the SCOTUS, blame the Republicans, right? !!
And what exactly is wrong with Conservatives giving money to Rove, other than the fact that I'm not a Rove fan?
You can read that article I linked and still blame the GOP? You're quite amazing!!!
'Grow up'? My, my, my...aren't we getting feisty.
"The GOP has a long history of trying to suppress the vote by nefarious means. Now, many states will require ID to vote, some even a special Voter ID. College students aren't allowed to use their College IDs!"
Want to play tit for tat?
As for voting with ID? That's WRONG? to prove who you ARE? did you happen to read any of my links..? Like seeing young people with no address on record because "I live far away and only had time to VOTE if I voted near WORK!!!" Yup , the Democrat precinct workers were all over that and all he had to do was sign the PROVISIONAL book (which never (NEVER) gets looked at)...
No, we Republicans believe in identification so we all are LEGAL and get ONE VOTE.
re the Black Panthers; I don't care WHAT legalities happened. If anybody can look at that video and not know something was going on, you're insane.
Hey, check out Gloria Allred and other Hillary supports accusing Obama backers of telling voters to go home if they were voting for Hillary. Please...be my guest,, interview after interview; that's in one of my links within my post, too. Enjoy.
Elbro; it's astonishing, isn't it.
beamish; we're talking to the WIND here; lefties with closed eyes and ears "I LOVE OBAMA I LOVE OBAMA I LOVE OBAMA"..I can't listen to ANYTHING ELSE" gad.
MK...typical principles, however, right?
FJ...excellent point. But, as you and I know; ILLEGALS VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS. What does SOros care who votes as long as the Republican vote can be overcome? It's all a part of the great promise to destroy America and keep in power.
OH, my....I just read a comment at the TIME article where some lefty read another's comment about how Soros sold his own Jewish people out during WWII and this lefty accused the commenter of 'watching too much FOX'
They just are not informed :-(
"Wow, Democrats are trying to get Democrats elected. I'm shocked."
By hook or by crook, huh, Ducky?
"The GOP has a long history of trying to suppress the vote by nefarious means. Now, many states will require ID to vote, some even a special Voter ID. College students aren't allowed to use their College IDs!"
Bd, you mean we didn't hand out absentee ballots like candy? Yep, you're right.
We didn't have those bogus "provisional ballots"? Right again!
We didn't have fraudulant registration applications? Absolutely!
We purged convicted felons from voting rosters? Oh my, Yessir!
You mean, college students will have to use their drivers licenses?
Awwwwwww!! That's too complicated.
Well, Ducky and bd, looks like you're stuck with the New Black Panthers,(whoever threw it out, it was wrong.) Take heart, they fit right in with the Thugocracy.
I used to believe that the vote was sacred and a sure means to change government and policy.
That said it's becoming more apparent that the vote is becoming more irrelevant and meaningless to effect change.
Once that's' gone....there's only one solution left.
Look no further than the Stewart Smalley election in Minnesota for the results of Soros' work.
This is exactly what this group is planning for us.
On the other hand, as evidenced by your resident libs here, as stupid as they are they need all the help they can get at the polls.
"as stupid as they are they need all the help they can get at the polls...."
Nah...all they need are speeches to help them over the hill to nirvana....here's one example of the libby creed, stupidity and beliefs built as the bedrock of the welfare / slavery party:
"Remember Peggy Joseph of Sarasota, Fla.? “I never thought this day would ever happen,” she gushed after an Obama rally in 2008. “I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage.”
Of course not Peggy.....the working class will take care of you....and be forced to share their "wealth" by an Obama decree.
Major, I don't know, I'll bet Peggy is plenty ticked off.
Santa hasn't delivered. In fact, gas for her car costs more, and she still has those house payments.
Soros' Carpetbaggers doesn't surprise me one bit. Democrats/Progressives/Socialists are famous for trying to push their agenda where it's not wanted. If they can't do it honestly, they use dishonesty. Of course Ducky is so dishonest with himself all this is AOK... (just like registering dead people to vote!) just don't let Conservatives do it. Then it's a big deal in Commieville.
The Democratic Party has a long history of manipulating the ballot box. Hell, it's a Party tradition.
Not that what I just said means that we shouldn't root out election fraud. We should!
Catherine (welcome)...
I've told this story before but I'll repeat it here: She worked in a very Black area in L.A. at an eye doctor's office for over thirty years.
Every voting year, the doctor'd say to his elderly patients "So, you voting?" and they'd say "Yes, it's easy now, people come to my house when I have the ballot and they help me through it!" They heard this countless times.
My friend was shocked and saddened by this....
My last voting place was a home for the elderly...in the cafeteria or something; an very old woman was rolled in, tongue practically hanging out; that woman couldn't have told me her name and, indeed, her caregiver who pushed her in had the ballot and was going to 'help her vote'...... and they let them vote like that. That was a caregiver getting TWO votes, of course..or only one since she was probably an illegal Hispanic and got to register her political choices on the old America's ballot.
Then, I've seen many young people come in and vote without the proper house address "I just moved!" etc., and they let them vote and sign a provisional ballot book as if that helps when my friend who's worked downtown where the ballots come in says they have NEVER NEVER even opened those provisional ballot books.
Anyway, who are they fooling? Imagine someone standing up and saying "Okay, I've got this book...Mary Miller from Santa Monica voted....did she vote anywhere else? Got her name elsewhere?"
ya, right.
The level of misinformation and outright lies in this thread is amazing. But not unusual.
Bd, I'm so amused by you. Anything you don't believe is a lie or misinformation.
Open your EYES, get them out of the mainstream media, KOS, MOveon, MSNBC, CNN. There's a world out there.
I remember playwright David Mamet, who was always a liberal, said he didn't even know talk radio existed; he got curious, read, listened,; the man's a Conservative now. "I didn't even know this existed, I knew nobody in NYC who wasn't liberal"
Sad...so very, very sad. And your side will win and destroy us and our country for your lack of belief in the American spirit.
You should be ashamed, yet you come to an avowedly Conservative blog every single day and try to insult. What's with you? really...?
And you deny that the Koch brothers and PAC like Rove's are not doing exactly the same thing you profess that Soros is doing? Are you that naive?
Do you really think it is un-American to make sure elections are on the up and up and voters are not discouraged to even attempt the vote?
Z, I think you are an genuinely nice person but I believe you are sadly misinformed and seem to parrot what your friends tell you without using critical thinking. Open YOUR eyes.
The GOP is out to hand our democracy over to the corporations and destroy the middle class. That's you and me!
Bd, you're probably a very nice person, too, but I disagree with you on almost everything. Maybe, outside the little squares we have to type in, over coffee or a martini, we could talk and come to some kind of peace, at least?!
And you're obviously not reading my posts, so it's hard for me to address you here again on certain subjects you mention, but I'll just reiterate that nobody thinks our elections should be safe than I do...Really, how dare you tell me I don't want legal elections and should succumb to ALL DEMOCRATS under SOROS in charge of elections? Are you kidding me? Did you even BOTHER to see my LINKS on my post under "HERE" and "HERE"? Please at least watch the videos?
How can I talk to you about voting when you see nothing wrong with the black thugs with nightsticks wearing camouflage and how they behaved to white voters? REALLY?
And, did you read Beamish's remark? It's a fact that it's Democrats who've had the most troublesome voting fraud past.
Also, no, I do not think Rove is anything like Soros!!. I happen not to be a fan of Rove's anymore because I believe he's become a GOP HACK, putting party before country when he insults the excellent Republican candidates who aren't "good ol' boys" (or girls)...But, MY GOD....Soros has a history that makes me shudder and a present which is bent on killing this country and it should make every AMerican shudder.
I wish you'd really research him from a fair point of view.
I don't know what created this underestimation of my intelligence or integrity in you, but to even suggest I listen to friends to form my thinking is insulting, even with the amazing caliber of friends I have.
I probably read more liberal information than YOU do, if possible, and I know that what they're pushing is wrong for this country. I weigh everything and I Google everything I hear or read before putting it here, too....and trust me, I am no push over...and I'm not quite the one-view Conservative you obviously think I am. It's people like you who push me further in my beliefs when I'm arguing with you, TRUST me.
Bd...you've hurt me and people here , or tried to, in suggesting that we don't care about people; the poor, minorities, the sick... that makes me a 'nice person' in your estimation? it wouldn't in mine.
I do care very much; but I care about our country more right now because we're on the brink of disaster.
We need to tighten belts and help our friends and neighbors financially if we can, and let this country get back to manufacturing and encouraging business. Right now, jobs are gone because business is scared to death....who would hire NOW with uncertainty about the awful Obama healthcare plan, etc...And Democrats never even LISTENED to the Republicans' plans..nothing! And then said they HAD NONE? That's astonishing and YOUR MEDIA, your leftwing media, helps perpetrate that LIE.
Let me just quickly continue:
I just can't imagine anybody coming to my blog and virtually saying "Gee, you seem nice, how can you believe what you do?"
Do you think half the country is STUPID? Half of them feel like I DO!!
I just wish our textbooks weren't written by liberals because they've taught our kids to hate this country first and foremost; at far too young an age now they're subjected to racism and slavery and Vietnam, etc etc...this is new and it's done GREAT harm and I have plenty of proof of that.
Then we get to college where all my nieces and nephews tell me they just ignore the professors because, even the more liberal of my nephews thinks it's not right to indoctrinate in school, and they tell me it's all liberal indoctrination... "you can't let their points of view affect you too much"...they write what the prof wants on the test and move on. Think THAT's AMERICAN at it's best, Bd? We used to teach all ages to THINK...not anymore.
We need jobs and this environment of constant negativity is WRONG...optimism DOES help and it's gone. People are afraid to DEATH of Obama's healthcare nightmare the more they learn about it; I beg you to research it a bit and not believe your media.
WHat kind of a party welcomes illegals into this country, by the way? Then you guys say we hate foreigners because we feel they should come in legally and not live off of us? Are you KIDDING?
I'm done.
I'm tired of arguing with you and I'm really tired of your insults.
You'd, frankly, be kind of surprised how nice I usually am...sometimes I wonder what the hell comes over me when I get SO angry here at the blog and spout off, but with the kind of stuff my liberal commenters present, who can do anything but...??
Lol, You'll all LOVE this:
Flame away, parrot the lies about him. But, he's spot on right.
z said: 'How can I talk to you about voting when you see nothing wrong with the black thugs with nightsticks wearing camouflage and how they behaved to white voters? REALLY?"
See, you are wrong here. The story was blown out of portion by the right and you perpetuate the lies. There was only one idiot with a night stick and the Bush Administration dropped the investigation. Stop spreading lies.
Z Said: "I just wish our textbooks weren't written by liberals because they've taught our kids to hate this country first and foremost; at far too young an age now they're subjected to racism and slavery and Vietnam, etc etc...this is new and it's done GREAT harm and I have plenty of proof of that.
See? More looney and bombastic crap!
Z said: "People are afraid to DEATH of Obama's healthcare nightmare the more they learn about it; I beg you to research it a bit and not believe your media."
I have, it stops insurance companies from dropping people or denying coverage. Finally. But the GOP also got the insurance company to continue making obscene profits. I have nothing against a company making a profit but it's crazy to have a health care system based on profit. We're the only country that does this and it's why we're number 33 on the list.
You'd rather jeopardize your families health by no having the converge when you need it? You think it's fine if some HAVE to have benefit dinners to help pay for health care costs.
You think it was fine for beamish to say he wished he could have watched my relative die who was denied health coverage?
You believe the lies from the right like Michelle Bachmanm who just today said Obamacare will cost us thousands of jobs. You don't believe the CBO who says health care reform with save us TRILLIONS over time.
Yes, half the country IS stupid.They believe the lies and are being led by the nose by the corporate right to hate each other and vote against their own interests. It's pretty scary
"WHat kind of a party welcomes illegals into this country, by the way? "
The same party that espouses perpetual victimization...the same party that created the KKK....the same party that wants socialism....the same party that seceded...the same party that makes slaves out of welfare dopes....the same party that still cries "racism"...while letting pukes like Rangel, Waters and their ilk laugh at the dopes that vote for them while they're robbing the treasury blind for themselves.....the same party who allow illegals is the party of anarchy & chaos. One look at the hammer & sickle, Che shirts, pali rags around their heads linking arms with commies, traitors and criminals....
The party is the worst plague to hit American and needs to be demolished.
Four of the LEAST FREE states in the US are: NY, NJ, RI, CT...all liberal nanny bastions of repression and ignorance. Where the constitution is optional as well as your rights.
Which appeals to the "progressive" Apparatchiks.
Wouldn't it be easier for all the liberals to voluntarily form a collective among themselves and agree to pay one another's health care bills. It would be a voluntary association. You wouldn't have to accept money from the government, so you don't need their approval. Conservatives wouldn't want to be in the collective, so you wouldn't need their approval--they just wouldn't be covered by the collective.
Have I stumbled upon a workable solution?
"Wouldn't it be easier for all the liberals to voluntarily...."
It would be easier if they just seceded again...formed their socialist paradise....named themselves the "United Socialist States of the West & East Coasts".
It's no longer a matter of "differences and opinions". It's truly a matter of this Nations survival for the next 50 years.
This country cannot survive with liberal spending and chaos.
BD, I don't care what you wrote;
feel superior...watch the country die, but PLEASE don't blame us.
You think it was fine for beamish to say he wished he could have watched my relative die who was denied health coverage?
Why not? Didn't you?
Care to explain how having insurance coverage would have saved your relative's life? They would have... come up with money to pay for treatment, yes?
Then, why didn't YOU come up with money to pay for their treatment, hmmm?
Insurance companies didn't deny health care to your relative. YOU DID.
Atop of your callous disregard for the health and well-being of your own family, you want everyone else to foot your bills, is that it?
That's precisely what you are arguing, Bd. That your relative died because no one, including YOU, wanted to pay their medical bills.
The blood's on your hands, jerky. Smear it on yourself.
"WHat kind of a party welcomes illegals into this country, by the way? "
Ronald Reagan granted full amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants. Arrests and deportations are up under Obama.
the same party that wants socialism
Major, Didn't you just get a "Cadillac" prosthetic leg from the VA? Completely government run, Socialist health care for veterans. I'm glad you got your leg and am happy to pay for veterans care. It was Dems, like Paul Wellstone, who fought to have $17B restored to the VA during the Bush tax cut negotiations. He got the VFW endorsement in his last Senate run before he died. Or, hows about this.
You can bitch that it took too long, everyone bitches about their health care but, the VA consistently ranks #1 in customer satisfaction. Left to Repubs, like Michele Bachmann, who would cut $4.5B from the VA. Or, you could get a $7,000 voucher and shop for a private plan. See how far that would get you.
Maybe you hate the kind of Socialism beamish took advantage of, unemployment insurance. Yes, he paid into it but, what about the people who pay into it all their lives and never take anything out. People like me. I'm 57 and I've never collected a nickel from UI. I'm happy it's there if I need it and I don't begrudge people like beamish who do need to tap it. It does me or the country no good to have people, like beamish, destitute.
It should also be noted that the uninsured, like beamish admitted to being, would get care if they were hit by a bus. I would pick up the tab since I am a responsible person and have health insurance.
As for voter fraud, voter suppression is in the Repub playbook. Listen to Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement, in 1980. Nothing has changed. More voter suppression.
Meanwhile, the promised fence is virtually nowhere and people are getting shot over the boarders, but Obama's doing a fine job of arresting criminals...as farmers are getting murdered on land they've farmed forever.
We don't want just a few criminals picked up.
How are we going to pay for the lawsuits from illegals who demand we leave water and food along the illegal way into this country?
No, we are not doing what we could do and I don't believe just rounding up criminals and then deeming them not returnable is a help as that tree behind you jumps over the border with that criminal hiding up inside it and his friends carrying the trunk. who's this administration kidding?
We need to clamp down on employeers who hire then and then have them hire AMERICANS ...
I'd wager a guess 90% of the poor Hispanics in my neighborhood are illegal and hired; Congress is finally putting screws to employers who hire illegals..let's see how long Holder permits that.=
I'm busy this morning and writing this response to Craig is almost as tedious as it must have been for him to Google and print and embed...wow.
There's talk that the left's paying trolls to destroy conservative blogs; is it already happening this early before the election? Like when they start calling talk radio shows about 3 months before the election and then immediately stop the day after?
I know that MediaMatters has been ordered by Soros to destroy FOX in any manner they can.
MY GOD, the left's scared for nothing! How can Obama lose with all his unproduced promises we've seen and people still believe in him!!! unless our kids are so swayed by his media and their profs?
Nobody is against insurance here.
The voter fraud is a silly link; I don't have time to come up with the voter fraud CONVICTIONS of the Left. And, Craig, perhaps you haven't read this piece? I honestly don't think even you would approve of his actions...
but, maybe I'm giving you more integrity than you have..
Major, Didn't you just get a "Cadillac" prosthetic leg from the VA? Completely government run, Socialist health care for veterans.
The V.A. health system in not a socialist government program. Participation by Major and myself is voluntary. We have a choice as to if we decide to use it or not, we are not FORCED to use the program.
Myself? I have gone outside of the V.A. system often for healthcare.
You can bitch that it took too long, everyone bitches about their health care but, the VA consistently ranks #1 in customer satisfaction. Left to Repubs, like Michele Bachmann, who would cut $4.5B from the VA.
Example, a proposed budget comes in at 7 billion dollars, the previous budget was 4 billion. A budget of 6 million is approved.
Only in Washington is that called a budget cut!
Scotty, thank you again for all you go through FOR US, honestly.
And most of us know the nightmare VA system and how it was so terrible but got pretty much better during Bush's term. It's been 'complaint central' for years and well it should have been.
Yes, your point about funding is exactly right...well said.
I believe that the leftwing trolls in the next year leading up to the 2012 elections (some of them paid for this) will dig all kinds of 'facts' up (or maybe be given to them as they were last time) and we'll be having to do a lot of teaching and reminding.
They'll be trying to prove cruelty and worse in our trying so hard to cut budgets; giving no understanding to how we'll be examining each situation and cutting the fat out. Let's hope they'll give our candidates more than a minute with which to explain.,
Maybe you hate the kind of Socialism beamish took advantage of, unemployment insurance. Yes, he paid into it but, what about the people who pay into it all their lives and never take anything out. People like me. I'm 57 and I've never collected a nickel from UI. I'm happy it's there if I need it and I don't begrudge people like beamish who do need to tap it. It does me or the country no good to have people, like beamish, destitute.
Not so fast, jerky. You're no where near as clever as you think you are. Here in Missouri, you can't draw out of unemployment insurance benefits anywhere near what you've ever paid in, and you're certainly not "insured" to have a weekly benefits check as big as you had before you lost your job until you find another.
There is NO WAY POSSIBLE in Missouri you can get out of UI benefits more than you paid in to the system or even precisely what you paid into the system.
If it were up to me, I'd rather have the paycheck raise of not paying into Missouri's mandatory unemployment insurance system as a deduction from my checks while working, particularly since Missouri is notoriously stingy and slow with releasing paltry unemployment benefits to people who need to tap them.
Missouri owes me thousands of dollars in back UI benefits that I'm fighting in court to recover, with legal costs at my own expense. In the meantime, I've got a new job and am required by state law to pay into this bullshit system again.
The only thing "socialist" about Missouri's UI system is that it steals from everyone and doesn't give back even a fraction of what was stolen from you when you need it. Getting 20% of former income a week sure as hell doesn't stop anyone from being "destitute."
It should also be noted that the uninsured, like beamish admitted to being, would get care if they were hit by a bus. I would pick up the tab since I am a responsible person and have health insurance.
No, you wouldn't. If I were hit by a bus, the bus company would pick up the tab, and quite likely settle out of court for a rather large sum of money in a personal injury lawsuit. My status as a health care insurance consumer would have no bearing on this or any other vehicular / pedestrian accident where the bus driver is at fault.
Now, Craig, expend a few more minutes typing to give us a little deeper appreciation of how stupid you are, would ya?
Scotty, thank you again for all you go through FOR US, honestly.
And most of us know the nightmare VA system and how it was so terrible but got pretty much better during Bush's term. It's been 'complaint central' for years and well it should have been.
The problem with the V.A.system is, politicians play politics with it.
The quality of care is generally as good as the clout that a politician has in that state.
Hospitals are built, most often, not by need but, by political clout. Much the same as it is with military bases.
So, getting quality care in the V.A. system can vary widely from state to state.
As to Craig's statement the VA consistently ranks #1 in customer satisfaction. it's all about location, location, location.
Another example, Florida is second only to California as to the number of veterans. But Florida V.A. system has consistently been in the thirtieth percent area for funding.....
They'll be trying to prove cruelty and worse in our trying so hard to cut budgets; giving no understanding to how we'll be examining each situation and cutting the fat out.
HA!! Ya mean like pushing old ladies off a cliff?? Sadly it seems as though those tactics work!
Hi, Scotty: You said "HA!! Ya mean like pushing old ladies off a cliff?? Sadly it seems as though those tactics work!"
Yes, it does work because it's the only thing many Americans hear; and the media covers for them.
And, they're just not curious about it; they've learned that the equation has been made to show
Republicans...evil *not just incorrect in their eyes
Republicans would demonize as badly as the Left does but then they're chastised far greater than the Left; I think it's the most UnAmerican thing that maybe's ever happened in our country; people who don't at least respect the thinking of half the country! And a media in cahoots with that.
We keep trying/fighting with talk radio, the huge ratings of FOX (which includes a lot of independents and Dems) and maybe we'll make things really fair and balanced again in this country, but...
YOu see, the big difference is that Conservatives have trusted that Americans will at least respect the other side's thinking and that the pendulum always swings both ways, but I don't believe the pendulum analogy will work anymore; not when they've indoctrinated our kids so badly they could never recover from entitlement, "America BAD" thinking.
And COnservatives have fought for THINKING, not INDOCTRINATING. We're not afraid when the professors are teaching all viewpoints fairly or the media's giving THE NEWS and not their opinions....this new America is very scary; very biased to socialized thinking, and immorality which would have made Americans speechless even twenty years ago.
horrifying. The left at work.
You know, I was thinking how it's usually the leftist I know who live together without marriage and constantly say "we don't NEED a piece of paper to show OUR LOVE...we do just fine this way"
but they're the first ones who are demanding gays can marry... as if marriage was the best thing going! :-)
Craig is spot on with all his comments and it's hysterical to watch the wingnuts here spinning in their grooves to try to dispute them
beamish said: Care to explain how having insurance coverage would have saved your relative's life? They would have... come up with money to pay for treatment, yes?
Then, why didn't YOU come up with money to pay for their treatment, hmmm?
Insurance companies didn't deny health care to your relative. YOU DID.
You really don't get it. Say YOU had a relative who was treated for cancer and the insurance company decided they would not pay for any more treatments. This is the true definition of death panels and it happened over and over again throughout the years in this country.
You have benefits, relatives sell houses and cars but still you didn't have enough money.
Your relative dies waiting for the treatment. I hope this doesn't happen to you. Oh, I forgot. It won't. Obama took care of this. Thank god.
Craig is spot on with all his comments and it's hysterical to watch the wingnuts here spinning in their grooves to try to dispute them
I've been in the V.A.system since 1971, wouldn't ya think I may have picked up little on how it operates, Bd?
During that time I've worked with quite a few advocacy groups within the V.A. system, don't cha think I might have picked up on how the politics works within the V.A. system, Bd?
I've been an active life member in the D.A.V. Disabled American Veterans, the largest advocacy group that veterans have, operating in Washington...mebbe I might have picked up a few things about how it all operates, along the way, Bd?
Your ignorance is just overwhelming at times!
Sorry scotty, insult away but you're the ignorant one:
Two government-run health care programs, Medicare and VA medical care, are the best in the U.S. I am surprised that many people do not know that Medicare is U.S. government-run health care.
The article you gave me to read, Bd, only served to edify what I said. Especially when you include the only two comments to the article. Which tells me just how few read that authors comments.....keep swingin', Bd.
It's a shame you don't have any life experiences to draw from.
You really don't get it. Say YOU had a relative who was treated for cancer and the insurance company decided they would not pay for any more treatments. This is the true definition of death panels and it happened over and over again throughout the years in this country.
You have benefits, relatives sell houses and cars but still you didn't have enough money.
Your relative dies waiting for the treatment. I hope this doesn't happen to you. Oh, I forgot. It won't. Obama took care of this. Thank god.
Horseshit. The insurance company wants more money in premiums to continue covering treatment of the relative with terminal cancer, otherwise they'll drop the policy. They want to sell a different policy with a higher premium to cover these costs out of a more fluid actuary pool. So, family and friends pitch in to make the increased monthly premium. No cars are sold, no houses lost.
Unless you're Bd's family, then you just don't give a shit and go play XBox with money that could go to help your loved ones so you can pitch a bullshit sob story on the internet.
There are several million people in the country who advocate universal health care. We'll call them liberals. There are several million who do not want to be in this program. We'll call them conservatives.
Why don't the liberals say "Nuts to conservatives! We'll start our own collective to pay for all the liberals' medical expenses."
The conservatives would be happy to not be in the plan. The liberals would be happy because they are all covering each others' costs. The liberals would be happier still because they wouldn't have the morally depraved conservatives in their collective. The liberals would be happier yet because they would not need government approval because they would be spending their own money.
In short, both sides would be happy because they would be, in Milton Friedman's words, free to choose.
Please point me to my fallacy in thinking.
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