(thanks, deaner)
Green Jackets, Brown Shirts
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY From Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Cap And Trade: Al Gore has likened his crusade against global warming to the world's struggle against Nazis. He said this while speaking in a country that is organizing a team of environmental storm troopers.
Gore didn't come right out and call global warming skeptics Nazis while addressing an audience at Oxford University in England. But then, he didn't have to. By simply violating Godwin's Law — which essentially says that an argument dies the moment someone makes a comparison to Nazis — in the way he did, Gore labeled anyone who opposes his agenda a fascist.
While the former vice president was delivering his sermon, the British were busy creating a para-police squad that will enforce government-imposed carbon dioxide emissions limits. Take a good look, because the formation of this team could well be a preview of what we'll get if the Democrats' climate change bill becomes law.
So far, the cap-and-trade global warming legislation — known as the Waxman-Markey bill — has been passed only in the House. The Senate still has to take it up, and then a conference committee would write a version that both chambers would agree to vote on should the Senate approve legislation that has differences.
Any bill passed will of course have to be signed by President Obama. But the only question there is not whether he'll sign it but whether he'll turn the event into a circus bigger than Michael Jackson's memorial.
What comes next is the legalized extortion of the American people. Some analysts estimate that this scheme to save us from ourselves could by 2030 cost each American family as much $4,300 a year and destroy 2.5 million jobs. That's even counting the "green" jobs the bill's supporters claim it will create.
In return for that sacrifice, people living in our world a century from now will experience a global temperature that is projected to be one-tenth to two-tenths of one degree Celsius cooler than it would have been without the legislation.
While the loss of economic liberty is chilling enough, how much more freedom will be lost if Washington follows London's lead and establishes a cap-and-trade police force?
The United Kingdom's Carbon Reduction Commitment, which applies to nonenergy-intensive businesses, goes into effect next year. Ahead of that, the government's Environment Agency is establishing a squad of 50 auditors that will be charged with catching companies that exceed their CO2 emissions limits.
If news reports from Britain are to be believed, this will not be a collegial staff of ordinary green-eyeshade auditors riding desks. This group will be armed with warrants and have the power to search private grounds, snoop through energy bills, carbon-trading records and receipts from suppliers, and seize evidence.
The auditors will be granted the authority to spy on businesses without their knowledge as well as to show up at a company's doorstep for what is likely to be an intimidating visit if, the London Times reports, the company's numbers "do not add up."
It's not clear if the auditors — who are to wear green jackets — will be able to charge private businesses that overstep their carbon output allocations with criminal offenses. But no one should be surprised if they do.
This sort of crackpot scheme is yet another case of foolishness that makes it seem like the world has gone mad. It hasn't. Still, enough pockets of hysteria and second-rate thinking are out there, especially in places of influence, to cause us concern.
When we see benign behavior, such as emitting CO2, become an offense worthy of the attention of a national government, we know we are in a dangerous era. We hope enough rationality remains in the Senate to keep this madness from spreading to the U.S. (Z: too late?)
if you need a smile now, see the WONDERFUL video below..! z
"While the loss of economic liberty is chilling enough, how much more freedom will be lost if Washington follows London's lead and establishes a cap-and-trade police force?"
Well, what do we think Obama's 'civilian security force' will be used for?
I think this is just the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if citizens are told to report neighbors who are using the "wrong" lightbulbs, or any other crazy restriction they can think up.
LA has done that, telling people to report others who don't water their lawns during the city's prescribed days and times of day.
Americans informing on Americans, that's what I see down the road.
I think we know who the real Nazis are.
Water supply here is 95% of normal. Not exactly a drought. Has it occurred to anyone, that suddenly we are told we have a water shortage, energy shortage (self made btw), of course global warming, all at once.
While Obama tells us that healthcare is a crisis, everything is a crisis, including the economy of course.
I am beginning to believe the economic crisis was created intentionally, and it continues, the deficit reached one trillion dollars today, but they're working on cap and tax, govt. healthcare as we speak.
Tell me I'm crazy, but, all this, the perfect storm, is not a coincidence IMO, plus the hoax called global warming.
The world has gone crazy Z, like a fox.
From the article:
"If news reports from Britain are to be believed, this will not be a collegial staff of ordinary green-eyeshade auditors riding desks. This group will be armed with warrants and have the power to search private grounds, snoop through energy bills, carbon-trading records and receipts from suppliers, and seize evidence.
The auditors will be granted the authority to spy on businesses without their knowledge as well as to show up at a company's doorstep for what is likely to be an intimidating visit if, the London Times reports, the company's numbers "do not add up."
THIS is a textbook case of why we have a 2nd Amendment. THIS is it folks. According to the founders this is a government totally oUT OF CONTROL.
These people are "green fascists."
Gore labeled anyone who opposes his agenda a fascist.
I've noticed that two labels hurled in people's direction causes them to do and say the strangest things:
1. racist
2. fascist
Something about imposing a guilt complex, I think.
In my view, Pris is right about what's coming:
I wouldn't be surprised if citizens are told to report neighbors who are using the "wrong" lightbulbs, or any other crazy restriction they can think up.
The squealers will probably get a "finder's fee" too.
Z, I happened to write about this today. Fornicalia is the "index case" for Eco-Regulations completely KILLING the economy. It IS happening in Fornicalia; businesses are bailing and SMALL businesses, not huge entities, are the backbone of the state.
Yet, the Demorats PURPOSELY put blinders on their faces and want to precisely DUPLICATE Fornicalia's fate, applying it nationally.
Cap & Tax? ObamaKare? Second Stimulus?
Did you ever think your nation would be this entirely UNhinged?
AOW the BIG LIE is in full force, and it's purpose is to further empower the government at our expense.
The global warmistas are basing this BIG LIE and their entire agenda on two WHOPPERS:
1. The Earth is warming
2. This warming is caused by man's emissions of CO2
Here's the truth:
1. CO2 is NOT a pollutant! It is the gas that every animal exhales, and every plant inhales. Without it you can say goodbye to life on planet Earth. It's a TRACE GAS at LESS than four parts per ten thousand, and the more of it we have, the greener the Earth becomes! That's a fact.
Question: which creates more CO2? A runner on a 6 mile run, or a car on a 20 mile drive? The answer matters.
2. CO2 is a PATHETIC heat trapping gas due to it's molecular structure. In the world of global warming gases, it's as weak as they come. You could increase the "carbon loading" (banal expression) of the atmosphere a dozen times over with NO appreciable temperature difference. There are in fact very effective heat trapping gases, CO2 isn't one of them.
It's vitally important to remember that mankind isn't even the biggest contributor of CO2 to the atmosphere. Termites and some other critters beat us to the punch due to their total estimated bio mass (weight).
So, for the sake of discussion, let's just say that humans are responsible for 1.5 parts per 10,000 of atmospheric CO2. Are we REALLY willing to sacrifice our freedom and economic prosperity on the off chance that 1.5 parts per 10,000 of atmospheric CO2 will drastically alter the climate?
Have we gone totally iNSANE as a society?
Every morning I wonder...can things get any stranger in this country?
"The auditors will be granted the authority to spy on businesses without their knowledge as well as to show up at a company's doorstep for what is likely to be an intimidating visit if, the London Times reports, the company's numbers "do not add up."
I remember the reaction to "The Patriot Act". I didn't like it much myself and there was the shilling from the far left that it stomped all over our "right to privacy", and I had to agree...but, when one looks at the terrorists that the act was used to monitor, it pales in comparison to the Green Idiots plan to use junk science to steal away liberties, freedom and more importantly hard cash and power on this scam. It is their ability to be complete hypocrites and go further toward neutering our rights and liberties that just blows me away! Personally, I'd rather drown from melting icecaps (which is utter nonsense) that live in a socialist state run by these morons.
LA has done that, telling people to report others who don't water their lawns during the city's prescribed days and times of day.
In other words, in a period of serious water shortages if you want to waste water it's your prerogative and screw all everything else?
I do enjoy these little insights into the radical right's thought process.
Thanks, Pris. That is THE WHOLE POINT of this post and I thank most of you for your comments:
Americans informing on Americans.
Ever heard of the Stasi? What's next, right?
"people living in our world a century from now will experience a global temperature that is projected to be one-tenth to two-tenths of one degree Celsius cooler than it would have been without the legislation."
yes, that is IF the idiots who are proponents of this nonsense have guessed correctly. remember, computer models are not science, they are mathematical calculations based upon certain assumptions. and since assumptions are nothing more than wags, it's impossible to point to these models and put much faith in them.
"This group will be armed with warrants and have the power to search private grounds, snoop through energy bills, carbon-trading records and receipts from suppliers, and seize evidence."
nice to see the uk go back to their roots of ridiculous search and seisure behavior.
i'm waiting for water to be outlawed - it's the logical next step for this idiocy... pris is right, it's all manufactured crises.
ducky, we are NOT in a serious water shortage in the l.a. area. additionally, conservation of water is a local issue - conserving water in l.a. has NO BEARING on water availability in atlanta or boston or anywhere else for that matter. the politics of controlling water is a whole other issue of this fascist green machine. worldwide.
Caribou Barbie couldn't seem to separate Alaskan oil production issues from cap and trade.
Like we folks on the left say, "She doesn't have a fastball".
Ducky, in your dreams
I think Big Al won't have to spend much time tracking down an eco-nazi. The man in the mirror staring back at him is the nazi of which he speaks, methinks.
Thanks for posting the link to the Sarah Palin PAPO editorial, Z. For a lesson in comedic drooling by those reacting to it I suggest tuning in to MSNBC. I'm sure "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" will be able to squeeze in something of his reaction to it before or after " the n'th day since the previous administration declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq". Is that how he got a name for his show? I wonder how they came up with the name of "The ED Show", — it's another lame one.
Why can't al gore just shut up? I am so sick of his loony talk.
When I was 15 I never dreamed that environmentalism would be taken over by quasi-Nazi fanatics like Gore and his people.
Ducky, you are so dense. In the first place, as Heidianne and I have said. We don't have a water shortage.
Secondly, the city could have asked people to water their lawns twice a week.
So, tell me if instead of watering on say, Mondays and Thusdays, What's wrong with watering on Tuesdays and Fridays? And at any times that are convenient for me?
It's the government's penchant for control, ginning up a non existent crisis which you all are so good at, and getting them used to government control.
As far as becoming an informant, I would never comply with that. I believe in freedom and mind my own business.
I'll leave the informing to you "tolerant", "compassionate" leftist radicals.
Finally, Sarah Palin included Alaska's oil and Natural gas resources, and any discussion about those resources that doesn't include Alaska, would be incomplete.
I guess your idea of a fastball is "yes we can", "change", and I can't omit, "er...uh...um..."! Of course the teleprompter deserves the credit for all that.
And so, the gestapo begins. That is exactly what Obama's civilian security force will be.
Truly frightening scenario. And I believe it will come to pass. Apparently no one can say, "no."
Leticia, not if enough of us say no. Yes we can.
I know I'm being simplistic but this is about two things: 1) money for the Al Gore's of the world and 2) putting power in the hands of the United Nations.
I am believing that the American people will NOT let this happen.
"I know I'm being simplistic but this is about two things: 1) money for the Al Gore's of the world and 2) putting power in the hands of the United Nations."
Maggie, you nailed it!
As to your other point, I pray you're right.
@ Anonymous, I just now saw your comment about lightbulbs. We recently built a new house and while I was picking out lighting, there were many light fixtures that were "not allowed" because they would not take the "new breed of bulbs." It has already started.
Have we gone totally iNSANE as a society?
HI Maggie, please call me Pris.
Yes, So what is happening to those companies that have to spend more money to make light fixtures to accommodate the new lightbulbs?
Lightbulbs which contain hazardous waste, btw. I haven't seen any which would fit our chandelier. As of now, I don't use the darn things.
It is just madness. Unbelievable.
Pris, yes and what is really maddening is that George W. Bush got this one started. It's a long way though from the plans going forward today.
The whole point of this corruption of science is to gussy up centralized control in new clothes and truncate the influence of American exceptionalism by stripping away her economic strength. All pigs are equal, except some pigs..... Right?
Want more? "Red Hot Lies" by Christopher Horner.
PS. Gore also said Waxman-markie "would be a boost for global governance." Some pigs ARE more equal than others.
I hope Sarah Palin plans to write more now that she's out of office for a while.
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