CLICK HERE for the rest of the illuminating article's information.
"The G-8 previously had not been able to agree on that temperature limit as a political goal." Um..........wha......? "political goal?"
And, who knew Italy would jump through hoops to please Mr. Obama? Is it just a LAY UP?
One hoop court.......well, he can run around working off the stress, I guess. MORE air balls.........figuratively AND literally.
I propose we install as many data sampling thermometers in the Artic as it takes to bring down Earth's average temperature.
It's official. He's God because he can control sunlight and sunspots which are the primary source of this.
It's like trying to control when Yellowstone erupts, or is he going to control that too.
Since the Earth has been "cooling" for the last 10 years, I think he has a "ringer" in his quest to become planet Earth's new God.
What a dimwit tool!
i thought it was official on november 4 2008. silly me.
You guys are fantastic...
Beamish...Gore warned just today, I believe, that the Arctic's melting and coming straight for Beamish House.
Shoprat.....he can control EVERYTHING...can't he? :-)
HAM....Facts, NOT bore leftwingers with FACTS!
Namaste.....:0) wonderful...and SO sad, huh?
End of the world party! My house! Be there!
What if it rises above the 2 degrees, what if it falls as it has done recently, what if it just stays the same, will hussein o cut the cap and slave?
His and the left's true intentions are in the answers to those and other questions, if you can get them to answer them that is.
supporting a goal of keeping the world's average temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius
What now? Controlling climate and weather?
I wonder when we'll see the headline "BHO parts the Atlantic Ocean so that pedestrians can cross." Pfffft!
As for that special hoop for BHO, can't the man go a day or two without shooting a few hoops?
We've seen Barry's's air balls all the way. We need to send him back to the bench...stat!
LOL! Politicians have discovered a job worthy of their own natural talents, controlling the weather. Now, if we could only get them to focus upon accomplishing their ends on their own and by their own actions/inactions ,instead of through ours, mankind would FINALLY be free to live the good life...
I think that perhaps our modern politicians simply lack for a higher calling...
Freud, "Totem and Taboo"
The necessity of guarding the king from every danger arises from his great importance for the weal and woe of his subjects. He is a person who regulate the “course of the world”. His people have to thank him not only for the rain and sunshine but also for the wind that brings the ships to their shore and for the solid ground on which they set their feet. Every king just like his subject is tempted by taboo. For example, on “Shark Point at Cape Padron in Lower Guinea (West Africa), a priest called Kululu lives alone in a woods. He is not allowed to touch a woman or to leave his house and cannot even rise out of his chair, in which he must sleep in a sitting position. The honor of being a priest or a king ceased to be desirable; the person in line for the succession often used every means to escape it. On Niue a coral island in the Pacific Ocean, monarchy actually ended because nobody was willing to take responsibility....
Hallelujah! If Obama says it will be so, than it will!!!
And since the trend has been going that way for a decade, we know it will continue and guess who will get all the credit!
I understand that Øbama has already begun to chronicle his presidency. The work is in it very early formative stages, of course, and there is much editing ahead of the team assembled to do that. But I have an insider’s (cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die) word that the work actually begins with this passage:
* In the beginning, I created the heavens and the earth.
* And the earth was formless and empty, darkness and Bush was over the surface and the deep, but my spirit hovered over the waters
* And then I said, “Let there be light,” and there was. And I saw the light was good, and separated the light from the darkness and taxed them both equally. I called the light day and the darkness night, and there was evening and morning.
* This was my inauguration day, and it was good.
So I guess there is no telling what marvelous things can happen between now and the end of Mr. Øbama’s third term.
What, so Mr Obama is GOD and can ENSURE that the entire planet stabilizes within a certain few degrees?
This is ARROGANCE piled upon arrogance.
Leftists: here's your steaming-hot cup of YOU'RE IDIOTS.
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