One page from "Dreams of my Father" and twenty-two pages from "Audacity of Hope", nearly half of those pages being in a chapter on 'foreign affairs' (did you notice that picture of Obama eyeing that girl's backside at the conference? Is that what they mean by foreign affairs...oh, sorry, maybe not~! By the way, the video shows Sarkozy was REALLY checking her out, Obama, not so least ABC tells us that). But, I digress........back to the article about the Obama books:
What's really odd is that this article is also in the Los Angeles Times (not just the paper I linked to), buried deep inside the paper in an obscure section in which they profile information that's not very important except, apparently, to that State. In this case, it was published under "COLORADO"!
"COLORADO?" Wouldn't you THINK that a big city paper like the L.A. Times might have thought that a president having written books the country's most secure prison determined were "potentially detrimental" to America was at least second page, first section, information? And, wait, if that's so, how did these books get published!? What's up with this?
(thanks to my friend, K, for the head's up)
What could Bill Ayers have possibly ghost-written for the illiterate Obama to get the FBI alarmed?
And how safe is the idea of transfering Gitmo terrorist detainees to federal Supermax prisons if providing them with copies of "Obama's" books could damage national security?
Beamish, I saw a blog (and DARNED if I can remember it..I've looked and looked to no avail..if anybody remembers whose blog this is PLEASE let me know) which showed, literally, a year by year record of Bill Ayers' MANY books..he writes and publishes one almost every year.
The only years he didn't were the years Barack's 2 books came out.....
Ya, it's probably a coincidence but it was very interesting to consider.
Who knows what's alarming? I've read some of Dreams and I just thought it was a story of a guy who's so confused and angry about his background that he should be in extensive therapy.Instead, ...
The American Thinker blog has several articles that make a very convincing literary forensics case for Bill Ayers writing "Obama's" books. This is the most recent, and links at the bottom of the article head to related posts.
Beamish is spot on about the American Thinker pieces. Jack Cashill is like a dog with a bone when it comes to Ayers having ghostwritten BO's books.
However, I can't imagine why reading such crapulous fiction could be considered damaging to national security.
Hmmmm, this is news to me! I haven't read anything that he wrote and don't plan to. I do wonder what could be in there though. Maybe we have to as a democrat!
Wow...thanks, Beamish. I knew I'd seen something. This wasn't it, but this is great.
Imagine if ANYTHING nearly like this was rumored about Bush? IMAGINE?
I can't figure out how a prison full of guys who'll never get out could decide that these books are a threat...I mean, aren't they MORE a threat for islamists plotting against us in the garage next door as we speak? I'd think so..
Don't worry Z. Only people that live in the Gaza Strip know how to build Qassam rockets from parts available at Home Depot.
Curiously enough, our local, thoroughly non-partisan, bookstore doesn't carry them either. No demand.
that's odd, SHoprat...and kinda nice! :-)
Somebody call the ACLU!
Reading either of those to pieces of shit is detrimental to anyone. I read quite a bit of each during the campaign and both are a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. Just a bunch of ranting by someone who very obviously hates being half-white. It does explain his racism and his choice of friends though.
"Who knows what's alarming? I've read some of Dreams and I just thought it was a story of a guy who's so confused and angry about his background that he should be in extensive therapy.Instead, ...
What kind of gray matter disinfectant did you use after your reading bout? Did you have to call in any special assistance? The EMTs? Ghostbusters?
This is one of those posts where the comments are as interesting as the post. Just when I have seen a copy of "It's" books in the store, I have felt like I should have a garlic necklace on.
I think for someone who loves to read, my reaction was brought on by watching him during the election. I guess I found him terrifying enough to avoid. Interesting about the Ayers theory. The man can't talk without a teleprompter (real apparent from the G8), so it is only reasonable a "ghostwriter" would write for him. And who better than the abusive, ever angry with society, Billy Ayers.
I linked to this in one of my posts today.
Is THIS what you're looking for?
Also, Jack Cahill's site:
AVERAGE...The parts I read were hateful, you're right. I really got worried as it's got to be hard to run a country you have such anger and animosity for, don't you think?
HAM, it's known that he never even wrote for the Law Review he was editor for, either!! And yes, you read that stuff and you do feel you have to wash your mind out with soap. And this man TAUGHT!!!
A constitutional law class...and STILL he says a judge of the SCOTUS should be EMPATHETIC! YIKES!
THANKS, ALways, that's the list, right. And thanks for the link!
I don't know if these fools have heard of the koran, a lot more that just 44 pages in there that are a threat to the world's security.
How about banning that from the prisons? are BRILLIANT..of COURSE...
why not ban the VERY dangerous and apparently beguiling koran? TALK ABOUT DANGEROUS ..
Well Dang! They don't give the pages. Now I have to get into those bigoted and haughty pages and find it, I guess, because we should certainly be shouting this to the world.
Z, this is a very important find. Thank you.
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