Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Beak and Beamish

The BEAK SPEAKS blog has THIS; I found it terrific..... and his remarks about BEAMISH?...well, sublime. Beamish said this on my 'Obama sweats' blog down below: "but, seriously, what's bugging Obama the most is that on his first day in office, he found out that there really isn't a remote control hurricane maker." How can you NOT think Beamish rocks? (but, I digress on this Sunday usually reserved for my Faith blog, which is a bit different this week. Please take a look, I'd like you to. xxx)


beakerkin said...

Beamish has decided he wants to run for President of Kenya. It wold give him more experience than Obama or Bill Clinton before they got elected.

Of course we need to see what MT Rushmore would look like with the famous Beamish logo added.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


It was the goal of my Kakistocratic Dystopian Party to have everyone in America that could meet the ages and citizenship requirements run for President in 2012.

Obama broke that ceiling. Run for President of whatever country you feel like.

Z said...

KENYA.....NO WAY! We need him here.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

But Z, you could run for Presidentess of France.

Z said...

Ya, I'd like QUEEN of France, but that was done none too successfully :-)

"let them eat cake"

I'd rather live in Munich than Paris, I THINK, but it was QUITE some life, beamish......QUITE a nice life.

Frogburger said...

That's great news. French socialist party is in disarray as well.

The less socialists, the less Duckies, the better this world is.

Anonymous said...

"Of course we need to see what MT Rushmore would look like with the famous Beamish logo added."

The FAA would more than likely require a red blinking lite to warn aircraft that there's a hazard they should avoid!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I got it Z. You could be Empress of Munich.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I should switch back to my Presidential gasmask avatar.

MathewK said...

That is funny.