Monday, January 11, 2010

An Obama Fan "Can't support him anymore"..see why.

Thanks to Sue at POLITICS AND RELIGION and PUNDIT AND PUNDETTE for the head's up.
By the way...McCain might have proposed taxing health care (see THIS) but his idea to give tax CREDITS was important and good.


shoprat said...

He seems to be angry that Obama's plan isn't far enough to the left to suit him. That is almost as scary as Obama's plan.

Z said...

well, shoprat, I see your point.
Except he's NOT for mandates...which I believe is sensible as mandates aren't healthy or wise.

This guy agrees that Obama's lying when he says "If you have a plan you like you can keep it" The guy's right...EVERYONE knows that's not true, that's just a given and the media's not holding anybody's feet to the fire.

The guy does seem to see the immense good in NON governmental insurance but, you're right, he slams private insurance companies at the same time...or that's how I read it.

The main point I am pointing out is the LIES, that this Obama supporter has shown us through video and facts how we've been lied to time and time again about health care and the plans for us.

AND, he sees how the media's NOT actively fighting for THE TRUTH. NO WAY.

I'd like more input ...I think Shoprat's right; but I think the guy sounds more divided than Shoprat seems to.
What do you all think?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

So the guy realizes Obama is going to let him keep his house, he's just going to burn it down with him in it until he decides the government's formaldehyde trailer is better than nothing.

This video was the sound of Kool-Aid wearing off.

Anonymous said...

"This video was the sound of Kool-Aid wearing off."

Beamish - What a great line!

And it's about time. Time to stop believing in fairy tales. The poor guy sounds so crestfallen, doesn't he?


heidianne jackson said...

seems to me that this guy is disillusioned (sp?) that obama is turning out to be exactly who we on the right said he was. but i'm glad the effects of the kool aid are wearing off.

Anonymous said...

I guess I have about as much sympathy for this guy as I would for a guy who traded his life's savings for a hadful of magic beans and waxed shocked upon finding out they weren't magic.

McCain was right to want to tax insurance benefits. Why should government give tax breaks to employers who purchase health insurance, but not to individuals who buy it independently? Or should independently purchased insurance also be untaxed? But then, why should insurance enjoy tax-exempt status, while people who want to pay medical bills out-of-pocket don't enjoy tax-exempt status?


heidianne jackson said...

actually, tio, when you pay medical bills out of pocket you do get to take them as offset on your taxes, so they do enjoy tax exempt status. only those who purchase insurance individually are given the shaft on this.

Z said...

Heidianne, we have private insurance and my accountant does take some small percentage off our taxes.
I'm not sure what you guys are saying here.

Anonymous said...

Medical bills are tax deductable? Doesn't that only kick in after several thousand dollars?


Z said...

our accountant always asked us to tell her what we'd paid in med bills and premiums and she deducted a little of that.