Thursday, January 14, 2010

Take CHRISTMAS out of textbooks?

The Board of Education's fighting about leaving CHRISTMAS in American textbooks and about mentioning Christopher Columbus less than Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics.
Are we NUTS? HERE is the link.
Get THIS....."But, as usual in votes before the conservative-led board, the wide-reaching guidelines are full of potential ideological flashpoints." Why is it that it's only Conservatives that the Associated Press find "ideological"? I'm starting to wonder if IDEOLOGICAL hasn't come to mean FULL OF VALUE, TRUE, WORTH CONSIDERATION.

More from the article: "Early quibbles over how much prominence to give civil rights leaders such as Thurgood Marshall, and the inclusion of Christmas seem to have been smoothed over in the draft now being considered. Board Chairman Gail Lowe said Wednesday that Christmas and activist Cesar Chavez will not be removed from the standards."
Why should either be removed from the 'standards'? CHRISTMAS? Cesar Chavez? Picture this: Someone suggests not including RAMADAN in textbooks! IMAGINE THE OUTCRY!? :-)

Then, there's THIS: "An education without some understanding of the profound role of religion in our nation's history and its contributions to our nation's success is an incomplete education and our courts have often said as much," said Derek Davis, director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor."What violates the Constitution is presenting material that either prefers Christianity over other faiths or depicts the United States as a Christian nation in some legal or constitutional sense. Doing so would infringe on the religious liberties of students across Texas, said Davis, who is also dean of the College of Humanities at the school." Have we gone THIS FAR in our country that mentioning CHRISTMAS or teaching our kids how pivotal Christianity was to our founding fathers is "infringing on their religious liberties?" This, when California kids spend 3 days studying Islam, fasting, praying on rugs, and Christianity's covered for 1 day?

Here's the exact quote on the Columbus v Mary Kay Cosmetics situation..."He'll also ask the board to reconsider mentioning makeup entrepreneur Mary Kay Ash, of Addison, Texas, more often than Christopher Columbus in the curriculum standard. At present Ash is mentioned twice; Columbus once."

I wonder if the leftists will try to get Mary Kay out ALTOGETHER since she's the perfect example of their dreaded CAPITALISM? I don't know why the left would have a problem with using the name COLUMBUS, they can always include their opinion that he did nothing but rape and pillage, right?

I rest my case. We are nuts. Z


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

My high school American History textbook had one paragraph about General George S. Patton, and 3 pages about Marilyn Monroe.

That was 20+ years ago.

JINGOIST said...

Once we remember that we're dealing with radicals, this all makes PERFECT sense.

Remember, "all that exists deserves to fail."

If we don't reverse this totalitarian nightmare in the next two elections, other methods may become necessary.

Chuck said...

Z, you nailed it here:

Why is it that it's only Conservatives that the Associated Press find "ideological"?

Name: Soapboxgod said...

Sorta makes ya wonder then why on earth Republicans continue to try and make nicey with the Department of Education instead of doing their damndest to dismantle it.

Ducky's here said...

What Dept. of Education? This is a bunch of Texas crackers arguing amongst themselves.

Tenth amendment at working, you should be happy.

Z said...

Soapbox, you're right...but, many Republicans have been trying to dismantle it and give it back to the States, as you know. I was just going to write that education would be the next big gov't takeover but I think that happened forty years ago, slowly and pretty effectively. When we have teachers only allowing kids who've won to awards ceremonies so the others won't feel bad, we've got REAL TROUBLE. When we have kids in our public schools playing TBall and other games where now there are no winners but kids play 10 minutes per inning, for example, you've got kids not taught to win... America was great for the WINNING SPIRIT. That's gone now. That's scary. Heck, Obama promised our kids in that speech a few months back they should DO WELL, STUDY HARD, BE SUCCESSFUL, but then he discourages that spirit of success with every tactic he takes; high taxes, herding people into health plans they don't want, haranguing anything that's "FOR PROFIT" as if that's evil, even dissing citizens who ask simple questions.

Beamish, parents have been asleep. They didn't realize the leftwing was busy making sure our kids didn't know our history; it's difficult to fight for or support or even much care about a place you don't really understand and even have been taught to not like very much.
There literally are MANY leftwingers who seem to think our country's the worst; they have this utopian view of perfection that America hasn't reached, so everything's wrong here. Never mind that no country on earth has done as much good or HAD as much greatness. No accounting for human nature. If we aren't perfect, we're bad.

Jingoist...America's in trouble....people have always thought "Well, the pendulum swings back" but the radicals took care of that...when the kids are lost, there is no cushion, no pendulum impetus. I hate saying that, but it's pretty clear. I don't know where we go from here.

Chuck, it's true, isn't it.

I so wish this was an isolated incident...I'd have never published this story had it been...

christian soldier said...

Mary Kay-a Christian - is mentioned?!!-WOW...I've been using and selling the product for 20 +years...
That aside>>>>>
True history has been obfuscated in our tax-payer funded public schools for 40 + has been a slow slide--now - an avalanche---and people are waking up to it !!!

Name: Soapboxgod said...

"Soapbox, you're right...but, many Republicans have been trying to dismantle it and give it back to the States, as you know."

There have been some (albeit not many). I distinctly recall much criticism from Republican party loyalists lauded in the direction of Ron Paul during the 2008 primaries for his suggestion at abolishing the DOE. What's more, when there was some opposition to the present educational structure, it came largely by way of vouchers. Don't get me wrong, vouchers would be a step above what we've got at present but they still represent a subsidy whereas a tax credit (something much less advocated) is nothing of the sort.

Anonymous said...

Rhis is why we shell out $ for Catholic school tuition and serve mac & cheese for dinner 4 nights a week. Worth every cent and every sacrifice.

shoprat said...

Some ignorant people have their own ideas of what is important, and you will never convince them. The only solution is to remove them from power.

Name: Soapboxgod said...

"Rhis is why we shell out $ for Catholic school tuition and serve mac & cheese for dinner 4 nights a week. Worth every cent and every sacrifice."

And, if I had my way about it, you'd not be funding the monopoly that is public K-12 all the while.

And so kudos to you but don't kid yourself in thinking it's a "sacrifice". It's not a sacrifice if the value of that which you seek is greater than the value of that which you go without in your effort to attain it.

Danny Wright said...

I think that there is more to the following statement in the article than meets the eye:

"An education without some understanding of the profound role of religion in our nation's history and its contributions to our nation's success is an incomplete education and our courts have often said as much,"

-especially when spoken by a conservative. Not having read the article, I note that religion is reduced to the level of "making a contribution" or "playing a roll", albeit a profound one. This perspective reveals what I perceive as a complete lack of apprehension as to the depth that pre-radio-entertainment people thought, and the extent to which "religion" as it is so called, was the center of life. When I read such statements, I cannot help but to think that many battles are lost before they are ever begun.

(forgive me if Davis is not a conservative, for as you know, organizations that name themselves akin to "Center for Religious Liberty" often times work diligently against the causes their names might suggest that they champion)

MathewK said...

One day the left will just come out and insist that America was discovered and turned into what it is today by muslims, to please their islamist pimps maybe.

Danny Wright said...


I for one think you're on to something. It's fun to think how it will happen. First, you start by pretending that the premise is true, that America was discovered and turned into what it is today by Muslims. Then you scour history, real, and if necessary imagined, for any proof of that truth. All historical documents that counter the "truth" will need to be suppressed. There will have to be movies made of course showing the few Christians that were here torturing and killing innocent Indians and hanging house wives while the lone Muslim takes a courageous stand against their evil antics before being dispatched to meet his seventy whatever virgin wives. One could have a lot of fun with this one.